13. Algebraic and Positive Geometry of the Universe: from Particles to Galaxies ArXiv:2502.13582. (2025)
Claudia Fevola, and Anna-Laura Sattelberger.
12. Euler Discriminant of Complements of Hyperplanes ArXiv:24101.19696. (2024)
Claudia Fevola, and Saiei-Jaeyeong Matsubara-Heo. Auxiliary code
11. Algebraic Approaches to Cosmological Integrals ArXiv:2410.14757. (2024)
Claudia Fevola, Guilherme L. Pimentel, Anna-Laura Sattelberger, and Tom Westerdijk. To appear in Le Matematiche. Auxiliary code
10. Principal Landau Determinants ArXiv:2311.16219.
Claudia Fevola, Sebastian Mizera, and Simon Telen. Computer Physics Communications 303, 109278 (2024). Auxiliary code
9. Landau Singularities Revisited: Computational Algebraic Geometry for Feynman Integrals ArXiv:2311.14669. (2024)
Claudia Fevola, Sebastian Mizera, and Simon Telen. Physical Review Letters 132 (10), 101601.
8. Vector Spaces of Generalized Euler Integrals (2022). Daniele Agostini, Claudia Fevola, Anna-Laura Sattelberger, and Simon Telen. ArXiv:2208.08967. To appear in Communications in Number Theory and Physics. Auxiliary code
7. Hirota Varieties and Rational Nodal Curves (2022). Claudia Fevola and Yelena Mandelshtam. ArXiv:2203.00203. Presented at MEGA 2022, Kraków. Journal of Symbolic Computation 120 102239. Auxiliary code
6. The Mathematical Research-Data Repository MathRepo (2022). Claudia Fevola and Christiane Görgen. ArXiv:2202.04022. Der Computeralgebra-Rundbrief Nr. 70, March 2022.
5. The Enumerative Geometry of Cubic Hypersurfaces: Point and Line Conditions (2023). Alessandro Danelon, Mara Belotti, Claudia Fevola, and Andreas Kretschmer. ArXiv:2201.05424. Collectanea Mathematica 1-35 Auxiliary code.
4. Likelihood Degenerations (2023). Daniele Agostini, Taylor Brysiewicz, Claudia Fevola, Lukas Kühne, Bernd Sturmfels, and Simon Telen. ArXiv:2107.10518. Advances in Mathematics 414 108863. Auxiliary code.
3. KP Solitons from Tropical Limits (2023). Daniele Agostini, Claudia Fevola, Yelena Mandelshtam, and Bernd Sturmfels. ArXiv:2101.10392. Presented at MEGA 2021, Tromsø. Journal of Symbolic Computation 114 282-301. Auxiliary MAPLE code
2. Tangent Quadrics in Real 3-Space (2021). Taylor Brysiewicz, Claudia Fevola, and Bernd Sturmfels. ArXiv:2010.10879. Le Matematiche 76 355-367.
1. Pencils of Quadrics: Old and New (2021). Claudia Fevola, Yelena Mandelshtam, and Bernd Sturmfels. ArXiv:2009.04334. Le Matematiche 76 319-335.